This article describes an advanced data structure called Segment Tree and provides implementation in the popular modern language Golang. We will solve a problem in SPOJ to show how we can use the Segment Tree in competitive programming.
General Idea Segment Tree is an advanced tree data structure that allows you to answer range queries efficiently and modify the array quickly. Segment Tree is commonly used in competitive programming to solve problems in O(n log n) time....
Priority Queue Implementation in Rust
This article will describe a more complex data structure called Priority Queue. We will implement it with a Binary Heap, a data structure that takes the form of a tree.
Rust Doubly Linked List Implementation
Doubly Linked List is the next fundamental collection that is useful to understand. It goes further from Singly Linked List by allowing appending elements from both sides, but this comes at the cost of more complex implementation. This article will cover all the details you need to implement this data structure in Rust.
Rust Singly Linked List Implementation
Singly Linked List is a fundamental data structure that every developer should implement in Rust. It’s simple enough to be implemented in several lines of code in C++ based languages but has some challenges in Rust implementation. This article will teach you to implement your own Singly Linked List.